Takura Bark Softfall Surface

Takura Bark Softfall is an alternative to natural bark products that are much more affordable and are a cleaner product to utilise as a softfall safety surface.

Takura Bark is made of nontoxic pine wood. (paddle pop sticks are made from the same material)

Natural bark products create dust and absorb dirt and moisture which can stain children’s clothes and the dust from bark can induce asthma attacks.

So choosing the Takura Bark range will solve these issues as they are dust free and resist absorbing moisture.

Advantages of Takura Bark

  • Low-cost solution
  • Easily installed
  • Spreads easy
  • Cleaner then natural bark
  • Dust free product

If you’re interested in installing Takura Bark as your softfall surface for a playground Contact us today.

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